Saturday, August 4, 2012

Let's have a conversation.

I've been thinking.  

Yesterday I had lunch with a lovely young lady.  She's insightful and kind, and her very nature is to want to help, heal, cure everyone around her.  She's 15 years old and wiser than most of us.  She said, "Everyone has holes they're trying to fill, and they're just filling them with the wrong stuff."

(Seriously, take a minute and go read it. It'll be well worth your time!)

We know the answer, right?  Everyone has holes, and they're trying to fill them with the wrong stuff.  The right stuff is Jesus.

But somehow in the name of our Lord, we have managed to marginalize and outright hurt those who need Him the most.  I don't mean the whole Chick-fil-A thing.  That's not what this is about.  I mean we have this ability to pick out the sins that others struggle with but we do not so we can stand above those who are hurting and look down on them.  It keeps us safe.  Makes us feel holier.  And it's destroying this world.

Michael Patz described a conversation with a homosexual.  When the man found out Michael was a minister, he expected condemnation.  And why not?  What have we (Christians) collectively demonstrated?  That blog post got me to imagining.

Let's say you encounter a homosexual like Michael did.  Let's say that person responds to your Christianity like the person Michael described.  How could you respond?  How about this:
You: Look around you.  How many people here do you think have had sex outside of marriage?

Viewed pornography?



Been unforgiving?

Loved money?

(you get the idea)

Did I condemn any of them?  Did I go yell at them?  Did I treat them with any unkindness at all?

Them: No.

You: Then why would I be any different to you?

 Everyone has holes, and they're trying to fill them with the wrong stuff.  Here's where you introduce Jesus.  

Wait, you mean you want me to bring Jesus into this conversation?

Yes, yes I do.

I've heard it said that people can argue the points of the Bible but cannot argue with your own story.  So here's what I recommend.

Introduce them to Jesus by introducing them to what Jesus has done for you.
Tell them your story.

Then listen to theirs.

 Everyone has holes, and they're trying to fill them with the wrong stuff.  The right stuff is Jesus.

We have marginalized, minimized, ignored, and outright condemned too many people.  

 It's time for us to step up and love.

Take a moment now.  Look around you.  Who is hurting?  Marginalized?  Minimized?  Ignored?  Condemned?

How about this:

 Everyone has holes, and they're trying to fill them with the wrong stuff.  The right stuff is Jesus.

Have a conversation.  Share your story.  Listen to theirs.

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